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Welcome to Hornblower!

Our Year 2 Class Hornblower is taught by Mr Lynn (Monday to Wednesday), Mrs Tiltman (Wednesday to Friday) and supported by Ms Drury and Mrs Lockwood. 

Hornblower Class

We are all really looking forward to the year ahead with your wonderful children. We cannot wait for the many exciting and interesting learning opportunities we will be discovering throughout Year 2. 

                                 Our Key Weekly Routines
Reading Books changed


Reading Books changed


KS1 Praise 9.00am All families welcome! 

Home school communication, both to celebrate the good things and tackle any problems or concerns is essential in ensuring the very best education for your child. Parents, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Lynn or Mrs Tiltman via   

As part of our whole school commitment to wellbeing there is no expectation on our staff to read or answer emails sent between 6pm and 8am in the week, or any at weekends or holidays.  Should your email not receive a reply, this is not a case of being impolite but one of choosing wellbeing ahead of workload. 


Home Learning in Year 2

We were super impressed with the effort the children put into the homework last half-term, and can't wait to see what learning they get up to at home in the run-up to Christmas!

Resources to Help With Home Learning

The most valuable tools to help with home learning are, of course, reading books, and then the Numbots and Reading Eggs logins within Reading Records.

In addition, you may find the following links useful:

Syllables - 

Double letters at the end of words -

'c' or 'ck - 

Suffixes -es and -s -

Suffixes -es and -s - 

Suffix -ed -

Suffix -ed -