Ribble's Class Blog

Another wonderful week in Ribble.
After a lovely week off, we have started this half-term with a very busy week.
PE this week started off a new topic of orienteering and we really enjoyed the new skills that were needed. It was lovely to see Ribble working together in their groups to complete tasks. We are so excited to see how much we can learn about this new topic.
As ever, we have been working particularly hard in maths and have been developing our fraction knowledge. We have covered how to find fractions of amounts and how to use the fractions as operators. Ribble were hesitant at first about this, but we have persevered and shown great progress.
In English, we have continued our focus on Shackleton's Journey and we have been engrossed in the development of his expedition. We are thoroughly enjoying finding out about the different parts of ‘Endurance’ and how the ship was designed to help them.
Learning Means the World has been a big focus this week too, as we were lucky enough to speak to a doctor who answered some of our questions about our current topic. The questions that we created were meaningful and very interesting. The children have really enjoyed learning more about their own bodies and how they develop.