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Ribble's Class Blog

Ribble class have been having a fantastic time learning new skills and exploring exciting topics. 

As the countdown to Christmas continues, we have been lucky enough to enjoy an Elf Day! It was a massive success and Year 5 did a great job helping, supporting and guiding the younger children. We thank Mrs Jones massively for organising the day as all of the children loved it! We are definitely in the Christmas spirit now!

We have also been doing lots of exciting activities in our lessons. In English, we have been delving into the world of poetry! Throughout our lessons this week, we have explored lots of different devices that we are going to put into our writing next week. We have been focusing on Bethlehem by Carol Ann Duffy, which has been a lovely Christmas focus too. In maths, we have been working very hard on fractions and the children have shown great resilience. We have been focusing on equivalent fractions, converting mixed numbers, adding and subtracting fractions and much more! Well done Ribble - keep it up!