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Ribble's Class Blog

Please enjoy our final blog post of 2024!

This week we have had a festive, hectic week and we have loved it! In art, we finished our slab pot and also we created amazing pinecone pixies - thanks to Freddie’s Grandad! 

In English, we have completed our final poem. The outcomes have been amazing and so creative. We managed to include the five senses, prepositional phrases, alliteration and repetition as outstanding poetic devices. 

Maths has been tricky, but with perseverance we are feeling a lot more confident. Oliver cannot wait to come back after Christmas and continue his learning. In Learning Meaning the World, we have continued to look at our topic which focuses on conflict. This week we focused Pacifism and we looked at a lovely song by John Lennon: ‘Imagine’, which Jude said made us stop and think about the deeper meaning of the song. 

In Guided Reading, we have continued to look at When We Were Warriors and have been answering questions about each chapter to practise our test technique as well as widen our vocabulary. The book is getting very interesting and we are enjoying it!

On Wednesday, we were lucky enough to have an amazing Christmas party with Wensley. Kyra said it was lots of fun because there were lots of different games and some of us even won prizes! On Thursday, we enjoyed a delightful, delicious Christmas dinner which was a lovely way to spend the penultimate day of term.