Ribble's Blog Post!
We would like to welcome you to our new class blog!
We are bursting to share the interesting, new topics that we have been learning in Year 5 so far.
This week, Ribble have been learning how to identify common factors and multiples in maths. We are growing more confident with it everyday. In English, we have started a new book called Hansel and Gretel written by Neil Gaiman. William says that it seems more mysterious than the original version and we can not wait to continue reading!
Learning Means the World is something that we are very engaged with because we have just started a new topic on the Roman Empire. Alex has said that he is very intrigued by the key ideas. We have also started a new topic in RE where we have been focusing on the teachings of Jesus while linking this to the school vision. Laura said that it was an interesting topic because it is different to topics that we have learnt about before.
In Year 5, we are extremely grateful to get taught by Mr Vitali on Thursday. This week we focused on the skills that we need to play hockey and we enjoyed practising them as a class.