Phonics & Early Reading
Phonics & Early Reading

In school, we teach phonics and early reading through the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised programme, which is a systematic, synthetic phonics programme.
From Nursery to Year 2 (and beyond where children need additional phonic input), phonics is taught daily with complete fidelity to the Little Wandle programme to ensure consistency. In short, this means that we have agreed approaches to the language we use with the children; the way we pronounce the sounds as we teach and practise them; the resources we use; the sequence in which we teach and the way we form the letters as we write.
All of this is designed to give children throughout school access to high quality teaching and enable them to make sustained and consistent progress through the phonics curriculum, ultimately developing into successful readers and writers.
A phonics helping hand for parents…
At Holy Trinity, we recognise the importance of our parents’ support in their children’s learning. Little Wandle have produced a wealth of informative advice that will give parents the confidence to help their children learn to read and write in the same way as we teach in school. This method means that we can continue our consistent approach in school in the knowledge that children are receiving the same messages at home and school: the ideal route to rapid personal progress for all children!
Please spend some time looking at the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised website and talk to your children about what they have been learning. You’ll be amazed by what they know when you use the same language as they are being taught in school!
You will find the presentation we used at our most recent parents' workshop in October in the information below. If you have any questions about how your child is taught phonics in school, then please either speak to their teacher or contact me and I will be happy to help (