Esk Class News

We have enjoyed being scientists this week in our Learning Means the World lessons!
On Monday we were scientists! We learnt about Archimedes who was a Greek mathematician and his principle.
Archimedes was born in 287 BC. The King of Sicily wanted him to check that his crown was made of pure gold. Archimedes was not sure how to test this. Until, one night when he was in the bath, he noticed the water level rose when he got in. This was because his body took up more space in the bath, causing the water to rise. Archimedes then tested the crown by placing it in water, and he realised that the king had been cheated and the crown was not made of pure gold.
Archimedes went on to publish his findings. He said that the mass of an object impacts the amount of displacement (movement). The bigger the mass, the more water is displaced.
We tested this by placing stones into a tub of water. Troy noticed that 'When the big, giant rocks went in, the water went up quickly and overflowed onto the floor'. Fraser said that 'When the small rocks went in, no water overflowed as they had a smaller mass'.