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Nidd News

An exciting week!

This week, our learning has been quite challenging. Ava D said she especially enjoyed Maths, where we learned how to multiply 2 digit numbers. There were a few steps to remember but as long as we follow these steps, it is starting to become much easier!

In Learning Means the World, we used our enquiry skills as historians to find clues in the burial site of the Amesbury Archer. We used those clues to work out who he might have been and what he might have done for a living.

Morris really enjoyed writing Haikus in English, just one of the different forms of poetry we have been exploring. Morris wrote, 

'Mrs Calland-Brooke

teaches me Maths and English.

She let's me have fun!'

This was a very exciting week as we started our swimming lessons at the leisure centre. We were so very proud of all the children! Even those who were feeling nervous got into the pool and there were lots of smiles by the end. We can't wait for next week!