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Hornblower Class Blog

Parachutes and Itchy Dancing!

We’ve had a lovely week in Hornblower. Please see the collection of photos below to see a few things we’ve been up to.

In Learning Means the World, we have been very active as we’ve continued to find out about the life of Josephine Baker. Margot says, “We’ve used chronological order to put her life in order.” We then focused on her dance career in Paris. We’ve found out about some dances that made her famous, such as the Turkey Trot, the Itch, and the Mess Around. Honor’s favourite was the Turkey Trot, but every dance was most enjoyable! With some gusto, the class tried these moves and then had a go at putting together their own dances. Further dance-related fun has come in PE, where we’ve been creating superhero dances with Mr Banks to some very epic music!

In Music, we composed two or three note doorbell rings using chime bars. They were so good, I kept feeling an urge to answer the front door!

In Maths, we’ve continued to explore money, including selecting coins and notes to make a specific amount. Again, any practice of this at home would really help. Emily reminded us that “£1 is worth 100p”.

Finally, due to being consistently fabulous, the class had filled their entire jar with gems! This meant it was time for another reward. The class enjoyed using the parachute so much last time that they got it out again. Much well-deserved fun was had!

A little note on reading: Please do make sure your child’s reading book and planner are in their book bag every day. We start our afternoons with individual reading of these books each day. Thank you for your support.