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Wensley Blog

Welcome to another busy week in Wensley!

In RE this week we have been learning about 'The Big Frieze'. We have been looking at the frieze and trying to spot pictures and words that we recognise and can link to the bible. Jack spotted a person wearing a shirt with the letter A on it and he thought A Man could be linked with AMEN from the bible. Thomas spotted some paint cans labelled with Hope, Love and Joy. He thought it linked to the first book of the bible all about Creation. We moved on to our section about Salvation and looked carefully at the last days of Jesus through the Stations of the Cross. You can see some children re-enacting a freeze-frame of one of the stations. Can you guess which one it is? 

In Maths, we have begun a new topic. Finally, we have moved on from Fractions! Scarlett has enjoyed using her times tables knowledge to multiply big numbers using the column method. 

In English, we have been listening to the story of Beowulf and plotting the story on a story map. Seth enjoyed the story a lot, especially the gory parts! Jacob really enjoyed the story twist. 'Just when you think everyone is safe - there is another monster!' 

In Learning Means the World, we have been looking at what life was like for Victorian children and how these jobs were stereotyped. Ellis applied for a job as a Victorian baker because he is good at getting up early, he doesn't mind working in hot conditions and he felt that it would be kind to make food for others. The children were surprised at which jobs were only for boys or only for girls. A great discussion was had!