Laver Class Blog
Hello and welcome to another blog post. We have had a very busy week and the children have continued to show how truly fantastic they all are!
In Maths, we have been continuing to develop our understanding of the numbers beyond 10. We have been exploring how to use the number line to 20 and working hard to apply our reading skills when faced with a word problem in maths. Everyone has shown great resilience in the face of some tricky maths challenges.
In English we have continued to explore the story 'Boas Bad Birthday'. The children have been learning to use the conjunction 'and' to join sentences together, writing thank you letters from the perspective of Boa and creating text maps to support them in their own story writing next week. The hard work doesn't stop there! In Phonics we are increasing our phonetic knowledge by learning new sounds. This week we have learnt that g sometimes makes a "j" sound and ph makes a 'f' sounds. Learning to read is very tiring!
In Learning Means The World this week we have been exploring different toys from the past, including those that children played with in Victorian times. Mrs Needham kindly brought in some spinning tops and yo-yos for us to play with next week. We also looked at the original Barbie and compared it to the Barbies we use and love today. Ruby said that the first Barbie was 'a bit scary looking', Eva said 'now we have lots of different Barbies and Oliver said "they're both made out of plastic". Great comparing everyone!
In art, we used different tools to make marks. The children loved getting stuck in with the paint and using different materials to create shapes and patterns. We used cotton reels, pine cones, feathers, polystyrene, string , bubble wrap and our hands! Everything but a paintbrush! Denys loved using his hands to create prints on the page, Musadeq was brilliant at making patterns with the bubble wrap and Emily said "the feather was good because I could write my name with it'.
Finally, in RE we have started a new topic, by exploring the Easter Story, as we begin to look to Spring and the signs of new life (if only the weather would warm up!) The children learnt a very long word... salvation. We have been practising saying this and considering what it means to be saved and how Jesus did this for Christians.