Wonderful Wensley

Welcome to our second Spring Half Term!
We have had a wonderful start to the term with the children coming back to school well-rested and ready to learn!
We began the week with a very special zoom guest. Our Learning Means the World topic is 'Go with the Flow' and we are learning all about how our bodies work and how to keep them healthy. As a special treat, Mrs Jones arranged for us to have a question-and-answer session with a real doctor called Mrs Danielson. Mrs Danielson is obviously a very busy lady, but she was kind enough to give us some of her valuable time and expertise. We learnt all about how to keep our bodies healthy and interesting facts about our bodies. We loved it! A huge thank you to Mrs Danielson and Mrs Jones! You asked some amazing questions and learnt lots of interesting information about our bodies.
We have started a new topic in Maths this week and we are learning all about decimals and how they link to fractions. The children have made a great start and have been brilliant at making links to all their previous learning of number bonds and fractions.
We are continuing our journey through the Antarctic with Shackleton and his crew. We have been learning about all the technical vocabulary to do with ships and sailing and we have also been doing some amazing descriptions of the Antarctic. Watch this space for some examples next week.