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Wensley Blog Post

Welcome to another very busy week here in Wensley Class!

We have been incredibly busy here in Wensley doing some assessments in Maths and English. I am very proud of the class and how they have handled this week!  Well done Wonderful Wensley! 

It has not been all work work work!  As you can see, we have found lots of time for fun too.  We thoroughly enjoyed our pancake racing on Shrove Tuesday and a very good time was had by all!  It was wonderful to see all the children having fun together and enjoying each other's company throughout the school.

In English, we have been getting further along our journey with Shackleton and his men. Things are not going well for them, but we are impressed with how they are making the best of a very difficult and dangerous situation.  We can't wait to find out what happens next!

Maths has seen us starting our new topic of fractions, decimals and percentages.  The children have been so good at making links with their previous knowledge of fractions and are amazed that they understand decimals so quickly because of all their hard work with fractions. 

In Science, as part of our Learning Means the World, we have been looking at the work of our digestive system and our circulatory system.  Our body is amazing and we are enjoying learning about how to look after it properly.