Laver Blog Post 08.11.24
Welcome to our first ever class blog!
We have had a fabulous start to the second half-term. The children have come back from the break raring to go, and it's been wonderful to see so many smiling faces back in school.
The children began their new Learning Means the World topic, which is titled 'Unity in the Community'. The children took part in a treasure hunt around school (see picture above) to find all the different features of our local community of Ripon. The children shared their own personal experiences of each place. Emily told us that she has been to Spa Gardens and the park, Logan told us that he loves walking through town and has seen the market and Miss Rodgers told us that she loves to have a hot chocolate in the local cafes!
The children have been continuing with their topic of 'Addition and Subraction' in Maths. It has been lovely to see everyone supporting one another with new or tricky concepts. Those numbers really can be difficult sometimes! This week we have been learning to identify the number bonds of a given number. Thomas Kitching gave us a wonderful definition of 'number bonds'. He told us they are, "different additional number sentences that equal the same number". In particular, we have been focusing on the number bonds to 10. We have been using ten frames and counters to support our understanding. Who knew there were so many different ways to make ten! It really is mind-blowing stuff!
In phonics, we have been continuing to learn more sounds to support us on our path to becoming confident readers and writers. Tyler spotted one of our new sounds whilst reading with Miss Lee and Henry used our new sounds to support him with his writing. There really is lots of very impressive stuff happening in Laver!
We have begun our new topic in RE of 'Why does Christmas matter to Christians?' Yes, you heard it here first, the Christmas countdown is on and we are all very excited! The children designed a bedroom for the arrival of baby Jesus. We know that he is very important to Christians around the world, so we wanted him to have a very special bedroom. Abel said he needed a big toy box for all his favourite toys and Ruby said he needed a radiator because we didn't want him to be too cold. Oh, and an off switch just incase he gets too hot!
Finally, we have been making split pin poppies this week as a mark of remembrance. A big well done to Laver class for their respectful behaviour when we went to Spa Gardens for the remembrance service on Friday morning. Your teachers were so proud of you!