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Hornblower Class Blog

Welcome to Hornblower's 3rd class blog. We have so much to share.

Wren says 'we have been doing lots of subtracting and adding'. In Year 2 we have been learning to add and subtract 2 digit numbers. We have used base 10 and part-whole models to help us. 

Bobbie-Mae says 'We have been writing our own class version of No-Bot the Robot'. This time he lost his in the water park. 

Oscar says 'I have been working hard on drawing a map for the pirate to find treasure'. All of Year 2 have drawn a map and written directions using compass points for the pirate to find treasure! 

We have been working hard on our nativity and cannot wait to share it with you on 17th December at 9.30am & 2.30pm!