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Hornblower Class Blog

Another busy week in Hornblower!

In maths, we have been finding change. Nola explains, “We had to take away and work out the right coins.”

In English, we have been writing our own version of Ellsworth's Extraordinary Electric Ears. We’ve used a mix of nouns, adjectives and verbs (Freddy). We also used alliteration, which Lilly explained means, “Where you use the same letter to start most of the words in your sentence.”

In RE, Oscar J explained we have been learning about salvation. Aaliyah and Elsie explained that it means “being saved.” In particular, Margot tells us, “We have been learning that Christians believe that Jesus died to save us all. It happened at Easter”

In Learning Means the World, we have concluded our learning about the remarkable life of Josephine Baker. Every single child in the class could share a fact about her, or add to one offered by a friend. At the end of the week, we are making posters to show just how much we’ve learned about her!

Next week, we will start our new unit with a teddy bear’s picnic on Monday afternoon. I wonder how that will link to what we are learning about?