Esk News!

Welcome back everyone! We have enjoyed a fun-filled week packed with learning!
Our Maths learning this week has been challenging! We have been dividing numbers with an exchange. We used the base 10 to make our numbers and, if needed, exchanged a ten for ten ones.
In English, we have continued to write poems. We particularly enjoyed creating shape poems in the shapes of popcorn, butterflies, hot air balloons, trophies, flowers and many more!
In Learning Means the World we found out that Lindow Man was found in a bog! He also had a whole in his skull. Scientists think that he was mugged. We think Lindow Man was rich and possibly a leader.
In Spanish, we have been learning the different colours. Dexter's favourite colour is azul (blue), Margot's is rosa (pink) and Nancy's is rojo (red).
We are enjoying our gymnastic lessons! We have learnt how to do a teddy bear roll, tuck roll and a shoulder stand.
We are also extremely happy to announce that we filled our jar of jewels! As a reward, the children can come to school on Monday 27th January in non-uniform!