Esk News
Welcome back to Esk's weekly news!
We have started a new unit in Maths, 'Length and Perimeter'. We have measured a range of objects both inside and outside using rulers and measuring tapes. We focused on starting to measure at 0 and lining the object up carefully. Did you know that millimetres are smaller than centimetres?
In English, we started a new non-fiction book called 'Rocks'. We created a list of the key features such as titles, subheadings, pictures, captions. On one of the pages we spotted a set of instructions for how to 'grow your own mineral crystals'. We have put it below in case anyone wants to make some!
In Learning Means the World we learnt about Boudica. She was the Queen of the Iceni Tribe and fought against the Romans who wanted to take her land! Her tribe burnt down Colchester and London. Sadly, Boudica's tribe lost the battle and she poisoned herself in 61 AD.
In RE we have been learning about the significant days in Holy Week. We have learnt how churches celebrate Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Did you know that priests wear different coloured robes throughout the week? For example, on Good Friday some priests may wear black robes to signify mourning. On Easter Sunday, some people may wear white to show that Jesus has been resurrected.