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Nidd News

Happy New Year!

We were all very excited to return to school after the holidays. Eloise said "I missed my friends because I have lots of fun with them." Scarlet  told us that she is looking forward to learning about our new English unit.  This term we are going to be learning about poetry. We started by looking at lots of different forms of poetry. Zac really enjoyed the poem, 'Absent' because "at the end it was funny."

We launched our new Learning Means the World unit, 'Lindow Man'. Over the next few weeks we will be learning about early time periods such as the Stone Age. Ava S loved learning about the Neolithic village of Skara Brae. She said, "I liked being a historian and learning about the houses that they used to live in."

In PSHE we looked at different forms of communication, including Morse Code and Braille. Ethan brailled some sentences for each table to decode. Scarlett S said, "It was really tricky. We looked at the Braille alphabet and felt the dots on the page."

We look forward to updating you on our exciting learning as the term progresses!