Aire Class Blog
Welcome to another Aire Class Blog
This week in Aire class we have been learning more about Paddington Bear stories and how they always include Paddington involved in some kind of mishap. We have started to draft our own version of a Paddington story, learning how to structure fiction through using a "story mountain". Zach says Paddinton, in his story, cuts all the hair off a customer in the hairdressers and then tries to stick it back on with marmelade!
In P.E we have been continuing to practice our two dances for the competition next week. Bronte says the dancing is really fun and exciting because it will be our first time going to a competition. We have also started to play Handball and Kaihan really enjoyed playing the mini-games.
Aryan explains that in Maths we have been learning division with a focus on two and three-digit numbers being divided by a single digit but it is really tough at the moment.
In Learning Means the World we have been learning about the Viking Ragnar Lodbrok. Anni says he fought a poisonous snake and Poppy adds that he was wearing hairy trousers for protection! We looked at Viking place names and discovered that we live near places like York, Whitby and Derby which have Viking meanings.
In Art we have continued with a Viking theme, designing our own Viking longships, people and Ragnar Lodbrok.