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Aire Class Blog

This week in Aire Class.

In Maths, we have been learning about multiplying and dividing using our 3, 6 and 9 times tables knowledge. Isaac says Maths has been fun and he has enjoyed learning how these tables are related to each other.

This week in English, our Grammar has focussed on Verbs and their simple past and past participle forms. We have also been writing setting descriptions based around the book Blue John. Poppy has really enjoyed writing in the style of the fantasy genre.

In Learning Means The World we have been learning about Algorithms. We gave Mr Brightwell step by step instructions on how to make a sandwich. Carlotta said it didn't go as well as she had expected, it was a mess!

We have been learning about Baptism in R.E, looking at the ceremony, its meaning and how, for some, it is a milestone in their life journey.

In our Art lessons we have been looking at the work of Vincent Van Gogh and his impressionist technique. We have been looking closely at the painting Starry Night. Marcel said he enjoyed drawing lines of different types to portray emotions.