Swale Blog
Welcome to our latest news!
This week we have launched our new Learning Means the World topic: May The Force Be With You! This exciting unit is focused on science, and we will be exploring forces and magnetism. This week we have conducted two scientific investigations. One of them involved using magnets where children explored a range of materials. Lizzy and Elizaveta both said they enjoyed working as a team to complete the investigation and Sophie was surprised to find that some coins were magnetic and some were not.
In English, we have been looking at instructional writing and have been exploring the language used in instructional writing. We have been exploring the information conveyed by the images and how that is different to the information conveyed by the writing.
We have just begun length and perimeter in Maths, and we have been creating our own perimeter around a classroom to help us understand the difference between perimeter and area. Daisy said it reminded her of an outline! Miracle has been using a ruler to help her measure different objects in the classroom and to order objects in size order.
In PE, we have continued with handball and progressed to a 6 v 6 game focusing on defending and marking players. This has helped us to understand how to use the space and move effectively with the ball with clear communication and passing.
In RE, we have continued our Salvation unit thinking about the resurrection of Jesus and what this means to Christians.