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Swale News

What a brilliant final week of term we have had!

In English, we completed writing our experiments using imperative verbs and conjunctions for time to make sure our instructions were clear and concise. We even created our own characters and used speech and diagrams! Toby said he enjoyed creating a character! 

In Guided Reading we have been reading The Julian Stories. This week we were focussing on the skills of prediction and thinking about what we think will happen next based upon what we have read so far. We also used retrieval to help us think about the instructions to make a lemon pie, the pie that was made in the story! Swale got very hungry thinking about it! 

In Maths, we have been measuring the perimeter of shapes. We have all really enjoyed this unit of maths and have been working hard at drawing shapes accurately to help us with our measuring. 

To celebrate Safer Internet Day, we revisited our learning on internet safety and created posters and a video to share our top tips for staying safe online. 

We are looking forward to welcoming parents into school tomorrow afternoon so we can share our learning on Forces!