Swale Class
Welcome to our second class blog. This week we have had a great time and we are excited to tell you it!
In Guided Reading we have been looking at poetry. The theme has been weeds and the poet has been discussing how some people prefer flowers and other people prefer weeds. We have been focusing on the reading skill 'summarising' and finding the main idea in a stanza.
In Learning means the World, we have been thinking about law and order affects individuals and also looking at leaders and the different skills and qualities a leader should have. We have also continued with computing, looking at algorithms.
This week in maths we have been learning about the 3, 6 and 9 timetables and how they are all connected. Did you know every number in the 6 times table is also in the 3? We have been very excited to be taking part in a national TTRS competition and we have been playing at school and home to try and score as many points as possible.
We have been rehearsing for our Christmas production and have been learning songs and praising the lines for our parts. We have even been trying some harmonies. It has been a lot of fun so far! This has been one of the highlights of our week!