Litton Class Blog
Happy New Year Litton Class and what a snowy start to the new year we have had! It has been wonderful to see everyone back. We are very excited to welcome a new member to our class. We have a new Teaching Assistant. Welcome to Tanya and Mrs Broadhurst!
We have delved into a new Learning Means the World topic exploring the Pendle witch trials - the children have been looking at some interesting (if not questionable) evidence given against some of the defendants in the trial. We look forward to finding out more!
In English we have begun a new text entitled, '101 ways to become a superhero - or an evil genius.' The children are very eager to get started with some writing around this - with many opting to become a villain!
Maths has been all about fractions and we have been very impressed with the children's determination in multiplying fractions by integers and fractions by fractions.
Well done Litton class - a super week to start the new term