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This week in Ribble!

Another fun filled week in Ribble! 

The hardwork and dedication that we have seen in Ribble’s English work this week has been incredible. We have been writing our own stories in the style of Beowulf and the creations have brought joy to the class. We have also been working on our presentation this week and we are proud of the work that we have been producing. 

In maths, we have been finishing up our multiplication and division topic with lots of problem solving. Ribble are sure that the way we have been applying our skills will help us with lots of different maths questions in the future. 

Yet another exciting Learning Means the World topic is about to begin! We have done a couple of lessons so far in ‘Go with the Flow’ and we are looking forward to exploring humans and animals in detail. So far, we have focused on human development as we grow through different ages and we also investigated the gestation periods of different animals!

In Guided Reading, the book we are exploring at the moment is ‘The Promise’. The illustrations are amazing and we have been invested in the different themes that the story captures. Ribble believe that the message behind the plot is very important.