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Wensley Class Blog

We have had a very busy week in Wensley Class. Have a look at some of the wonderful learning we have been getting up to.

Our librarians have been very busy this week organising our library for Non-Fiction November. There are lots of fabulous books on display for the class to read. Barney enjoyed reading a book called 'Lifesize' which shows animals in real life and how big they actually are. 'I loved looking at the squid eye. It was my favourite!" said Barney.

In Learning Means the World Roseanne enjoyed learning about the Celtic Warrior called 'Boudicca'. 'I learnt that she didn't like the Romans because they stole her land. She was also very good at fighting.' 

Scarlett has been very focussed in Maths this week because fractions are her favourite thing. ' I really liked using my times tables to work out equivalent fractions, ' She said.