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Wensley Blog 6.2.25

Welcome to a very busy week here in Wensley Class!

PE - On Tuesday we were lucky enough to have the apparatus out in the hall. Gloria liked being able to climb high and use some muscles which she hadn't used before. Scarlett enjoyed the climbing frame, as did the students you can see in the picture. Lots of happy faces!

In Maths this week we have been finishing our topic on formal methods of short division. Zebedee loved doing division calculations this week and said 'I am turning into the division king - I love it!'  We are starting more fractions next week, which the class are delighted about. 

In Learning Means the World we have started a new topic all about our bodies and keeping healthy called Go with the Flow. We set up a Science experiment to see if our arm span was the same as our height.  We collected data and came to the conclusion that it was almost correct. We thoroughly enjoyed measuring each other it was lots of fun.

On Friday we had a school disco, which everyone enjoyed. Grace liked getting everyone together and having lots of fun! Ellis loved the shop, especially the sweets and having fun with his friends. Theo and Leo enjoyed playing lightsabres with the glowsticks. Wensley class would like to thank all the helpers that made it possible and please could they have another one soon!