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Wensley Class Blog

Welcome to another busy week in Wensley class. We have 

In art, with Mrs Needham we have been getting beautifully messy making clay sections of a Roman Slab Pot. Jasmine really enjoyed getting her fingers in the clay and making shapes.

In Maths, we have been learning all about square and cube numbers. 'It was fun making patterns and numbers out of counters and cubes and I really understand them now', said Felicity.

In PE, Wensley really enjoyed playing the game 'In the River'.  Sabrina liked playing it with her friends because they learnt all about co-operation and teamwork while having lots and lots of fun.

Ellis has enjoyed composing battlefield music this week. He used a programme called music lab to compose his own soundscape. 'I would highly recommend trying this programme - it was cool!' said Ellis.