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Spa Blog 18th - 22nd November

Welcome to the Spa Class blog. We have had a very busy week and would like to share our learning with you!

In English, we have continued to read the story, ‘Topsy and Tim Meet the Police.’  We had a problem in the home corner this week and our home corner babies have gone missing. 

Alice explained, “We need to phone the police.” Lewis remembered the emergency phone number was 999. The Police Officer suggested we make a missing poster to help find the babies. The children were all very enthusiastic and wanted to make a poster. We tried hard to listen for the initial sounds in words. 

In Maths, we have looked again at subitising. We are trying hard to recognise the amount of objects using our fast eyes rather than counting. 

In Phonics, we sang the nursery rhyme ‘Jack and Jill'. We identified pictures beginning with the same sounds and words that rhyme. We listened for the ‘t’ initial sound in words and played blending games.

In Learning Means the World, we have enjoyed taking on the roles of Police Officers and looking for clues to help us find our missing babies. 

We started to make junk model police vehicles and talked about the colours of the car and what the siren does and why it is needed. 

Georgie explained that the siren, “makes a loud, nee naw sound.” Freddy explained it is loud so “cars can move out of the way.”

We have also talked about what resources we would like to use for our vehicles and why.