Spa Class Blog

We have had another busy week in Spa Class.
In English we read the story ‘Off to the Market.’ We talked about what a market is and that a market is usually found outside. We played the game ‘I went to market and I bought…’ and tried hard to speak in a sentence and remember all the foods.
In Maths we have been looking at patterns. We have spotted patterns in the environment and have copied and made repeating patterns.
In Phonics we have been singing the nursery rhyme Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. We identified rhyming words and tapped the syllables in the words we sang. We listened for the ‘o’ initial sound in words and could sort picture cards into words that started with the ‘o’ sound and words that started with a different sound.
In Learning Means the World we have been tasting and comparing watermelon and galia melon. Lewis explained the watermelon was very smooth and stripy. Kaia explained the galia melon was very rough. The children definitely enjoyed eating the watermelon the best!