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Spa Class Blog

We have had a very wibbly, wobbly week in nursery!

In English we have read the story ‘When Jelly had a Wobble.’  We have talked about how Jelly was feeling in the book - Freddy explained “Jelly is scared,” Cooper explained “Jelly wants to go home.” Georgie explained “Jelly is suprised.”  We have made our own story maps and were able to retell the story using them. 

In Maths we have been looking at making pictures with numicon shapes and placing them in the correct places. We have been using positional language and hiding teddies in different places and explaining where they are using the language; in, on, under, next to and between. We also completed an obstacle course outside and explained what we were doing using positional language. 

In Phonics, we have been singing the nursery rhyme Down at the Station. We identified rhyming words and tapped the syllables in words and made our own voice sounds to match pictures. We listened for the ‘K’ initial sound in words and could sort picture cards into words that started with the ‘K’ sound and words that started with a different sound. 

In Learning Means the World we have made jelly. We talked about what happened to the jelly as we made it. Tom explained that “there is more now” when we added the water to the jelly cubes. Freddie explained the jelly cubes were “melting.” When we ate the jelly, Isaac explained it was all “wobbly.”

We also explored jelly and spent time filling bowls, mixing and squashing the jelly. At the beginning of the week we explored porridge, oats and cereal.

We enjoyed singing the song 'Jelly on a Plate' and tapping a steady beat!