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Spa Class

Welcome to the Spa Class blog. 

This week we have been finding out about the festival Diwali. We talked about how Hindus celebrate the festival of light. Lewis explained "Diwali has fireworks."  Alice said  "the people share sweets." Etta shares "they light candles called Diva lamps." We have made special rangeli patterns, Mehndi hand pictures and playdough Diva pots. 

In English we have been speaking in a sentence to share information about Diwali. 

In Maths we have been subitising 1, 2 and 3. We needed to remember to use our fast eyes and say the amount without counting. 

In phonics, we have been singing the nursery rhyme Miss Molly had a Dolly and beginning to identify things that start with the 's' sound. 

We have started our new Learning Means the World - Help is at Hand. We have named all the people in our community who help us - doctors, nurses, firefighters, teachers, vets and dentists.