Skell Class Blog

We have had a very busy week in Skell Class!
In English we have read the story of Owl babies. We have talked about describing words and how they are used to give more information about something. We described the owls in the story. We have also sequenced pictures from the story and were able to retell the story. We have labelled an owl and used our phonic skills to sound out and write the words. We have also learnt about verbs and know they are doing words. We spotted verbs in the Owl Babies story - ‘swooped, waited, bounced.’
In Maths we have been finding amounts that contain 6, 7 and 8. We can use our fingers to make these numbers in different ways. We have also played bingo games and matched the amounts 6, 7, and 8.
In Phonics we have been reading and writing longer words using the graphemes we have previously been taught. These longer words include sunset, car park and bedroom. Our tricky words this week have been - are, sure, pure, into, and she.
In Learning Means the World we have been thinking about where food comes from. We read the story ‘How did that get in my lunchbox?’ and talked about the food process from farm to lunchbox! Emilia explained, ‘milk comes from cows and the farmer milks the cows, and then it goes to the shops.’
We have also looked at food art and identified the food in pictures. We have used foods to create our own pictures!