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Skell Class Blog

Welcome to Skell's Blog!

This week in reception, we have been learning about Remembrance day as well as taking part in Anti-Bullying Week. Some of us came to school in odd socks and altogether we made a recipe for a kind friend.

In Phonics this week we have learnt 3 new sounds, and began looking at plurals. Our new sounds this week have been 'z', 'qu' and 'ch'. 

In English, we have been looking at Brown Bear, Brown Bear. What Do You see?'. We have been retelling the story by looking at the pictures. We all read the story to Miss Davison and Miss Elsy, without any help. Jasmine said 'I really like this book because it is easy to remember.' Isaac M explained 'I find it easy to remember because it repeats all through the story.'

In Maths, we have been focusing on Circles and Triangles. We have been looking at almost circles and triangles. Orla said 'a slice of pizza is nearly a triangle, but one side isn't quite straight'. Leon explained 'There are lots of triangles and circles in our outside area.' 

In Learning Means the World we have been looking at people who help us in school. We noticed that lots of jobs get done when we are not at school. Joseph said 'The cooks help us by making us nice, yummy food.' Ernie told the class 'The teachers help us learn lots of new things.'

In RE, we have begun looking at the Nativity. We were introduced to Mary, Joseph and Jesus. Clara explained to the class 'I know that Jesus was born on Christmas Day, which is why we celebrate Christmas!'