Laver Class Blog
Hello there, another fantastic week in Laver! We're getting so close to Christmas now and we can all feel the excitement in the classroom!
Jingle the Elf has been up to no good... today he changed the date to Saturday! So, we worked as a class to make it the correct date. We discussed the days of the week and the months of the year to help us.
In Maths, we have started our new topic of Place Value within 20. The children have shown their fantastic skills at counting beyond 10 and recognising the numbers from 10 to 20.
In English, we have been creating our very own shop names for our stories, inspired by Alice Melvin's 'The High Street'. Logan called his bakery 'Mr Butters Bakery' and Elenoa called her flower shop 'Miss Sunflower's flower shop'.
In LMTW, we are continuing with our topic of 'Unity in the Community'. We have been doing lots of music over the past week and have created sounds with instruments for different signs in our local area. We then used the signs as musical notations. We had to show the conductor great magnet eyes so we played at the correct time.
We loved having people from home with us for Christmas crafts afternoon. Thank you so much-grown up helpers for coming to support us and also helping tidy up at the end!
Finally, we are getting ready for our Christmas Nativity Performance. The children sound amazing, and it really is going to be a fantastic show! Please send your child wearing their Christmas jumper in a named bag so that they can wear them for the performance on Tuesday.
Have a brilliant weekend!