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Wakeman Blog

We cannot believe we are in February already!

We have been working hard this week tackling some tricky concepts! 

In English, we have been continuing our work on 'The Boy Who Cried Ninja'. We have had a big focus on grammar this week. We have been using commas to separate items in a list, and we have been using conjunctions 'and' 'but' and 'so' to glue two sentences together! We are now ready to write our own version of the story next week. 

In Maths, we have been learning about division and using the keywords 'dividend' and 'divisor'. We worked together with our table partners to equally group counters together and write our division  number sentence. We were very excited when we found out you could just change the numbers to make another number sentence!

In LMTW we have been continuing our learning on 'Paddington's Passport'. This week we explored where London was on a map and identified what Paddington might need in his suitcase. We also justified our answers. We are looking forward to sharing our learning with you next Friday (14th February) on our LMTW open afternoon!

Mr Banks has been extremely impressed with our enthusiasm this week in PE. We have been creating two dances through free movement. One was about superheroes and the other one was about George and the Dragon. We came up with some movements and put them together in a sequence.