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Wakeman Class Blog

Welcome to our last blog of the half-term!

It has been a very busy half-term and the children have done some incredible learning. 

This week we have finished our story 'The Boy Who Cried Ninja'. We wrote our own version of this story and were very creative. We have 'The Boy Who Cried Gruffalo', 'The Boy Who Cried Puppies' and 'The Boy Who Cried Snake'. 

In Maths, we have been learning how to divide by 2. This has been tricky, and we have done lots of practical exploration around this! We are using this knowledge now to help us with our doubles and halves. 

We have had a wonderful time in LMTW this week. We have made our own maps of the United Kingdom and labelled the four countries, the capital cities and the seas and oceans. 

In RE we read the story Waterbugs and Dragonflies and linked this to Christian's idea of heaven. Keaton said 'when the waterbug climbed up the lily stalk it was like he was climbing the staircase to heaven'. Aleksandra said 'when he went up the lily stalk it was like Jesus dying on the cross at Easter. They both went up to heave'. 

In Art, we were learning how to hatch and cross-hatch. Tessa said 'we drew Paddington's suitcase and hatched it and cross-hatched it to give different detail.'